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Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/26/08

Tag Recommendations for Content: Ready to Filter Noise? Properly tagging your content can go a long way to improving your visibility on the Net. Hutch Carpenter shares his review of four bookmarking and tagging services you can use to boost your “Google-Juice.” Death of Education and the Dawn of Learning Here’s a great post on [...]

Does Anyone Know a Good PR Firm?

Well, sure! But the question is… is it the right firm for you? I’ve noticed this question being posed a lot lately on LinkedIn Answers, Twitter and other communities. Sometimes we chime in, sometimes we just mine for competitive intelligence. It’s interesting to see the PR firms who take the time to provide context as [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/19/08

Marketing Jobs of the Future Valeria Maltoni dives into the rapidly changing role of today’s marketer and gives some good incite into where the space is going and the challenges of hiring for marketing positions. She also includes a nice link to my post on featuring a video of Aaron Strout, VP of New [...]

PerkettPR’s Heather Mosley featured on

PerkettPR’s very own executive vice president, Heather Mosley, is featured in this video interview from She was selected to participate in their “First Person: Conversations with Communicators” video series during PerkettPR’s speaking engagement at the 2008 Ragan Conference. In the video, Heather explains how PR professionals utilize social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/12/08

Why Twitter Matters As the popularity of Twitter continues to grow, we’re starting to see it gain more mainstream press coverage. This post on by Stephen Baker dives into what the future might hold for the Twitterverse. Best Social Media Advice From This Site Chris Brogan compiles some of the best and most informative [...]

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