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Persuasive Picks for the week of 08/25/08

The Best Practices In Social Media Marketing Writing Project Mitch Joel from Twist Image has launched a writing project that encourages marketers to share their best tips for Social Media Marketing, and hopes to build contributions to the project into an ongoing organic resource for marketers to reference in the future. Mitch’s own best practice [...]

PerkettPR is now on Alltop

As of this morning we’ve officially been added to the PR section of! For the unfamiliar, here is how they describe their site: We help you explore your passions by collecting stories from “all the top” sites on the web. We’ve grouped these collections — “aggregations” — into individual Alltop sites based on topics [...]

Not Everyone is as Amazing as Jason Calacanis

I’ve been reading and re-reading this post by Jason Calacanis from last Thursday, advising companies to fire their PR firms, in order to get PR for their startup. (Note, on Twitter, Calacanis claims, “For record, I didn’t say “fire your PR firm” - Alley Insider added it (although I do think most PR fees are [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 08/18/08

To Reach Prolific Content Sharers, Lay Off the Humor Dan Zarrella recently completed a very informative viral content sharing report. A portion of the report was featured on the CenterNetworks blog and focuses on how “funny” doesn’t always equal viral. Don’t be that guy If you’re new to social media/networks and haven’t done your homework [...]

What is a Web. 2.0 PR Agency?

What does it mean to be a “Web 2.0 PR Agency,” anyway? It’s really not that complicated.

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