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Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/24/09

Spymaster: The Twitter Game That Will Assassinate Your Time As if Twitter weren’t enough of a distraction from your day on its own, we now have “Spymaster” to contend with. Keep your eyes peeled for the “#spymaster” hashtag to start flooding your stream, as the wild adoption of this new Twitter-based game ensues! Nine worst [...]

If social media most resembles PR; why don’t we own it? Because PR isn’t moving fast enough

I was honored to be asked by Adam Broitman to participate in an article he wrote on social media for the marketing community, IMedia Connection. Adam asks the question, “Social media: Whose job is it anyway?” Adam compiled a focused panel of varied experts to discuss this question for his piece. Of course, the answers [...]

Christine Perkett on Women Entrepreneurs - The Secrets of Success

This week I was interviewed by career coach and blogger, Deb Bailey as part of her Woman Entrepreneurs podcast series on BlogTalkRadio. You can listen to the interview in its entirety via the widget above. Be sure to check out the rest of Deb’s interviews at, as well as her blog at

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/17/09

Know and Master Your Social Media Data Flow The deeper you get into trying and using multiple social media tools, the more data begins to flow in different directions - especially with many platforms providing the ability to cross-post to one and other. Louis Gray touches upon this topic and shares how he handles the [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/10/09

This week a few of the PerkettPR staffers step up with their own picks of the week. With PR on the Rise, Here’s a Refresher Course in the Basics (picked by Lisa Dilg) Jonah Bloom from AdAge shares this quick PR refresher course for marketers and business owners who still think PR is “dead.” Have [...]

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