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Persuasive Picks for the Week of 08/24/09

Twenty-One Top Twitter Tips… from Forbes Still not convinced of the business value of Twitter? Forbes understands your concern and did some research for you - canvassing scads of businesses and pricey social-networking gurus looking for honest answers on how to make money - if you can make money - with the microblogging service. Their [...]

From Battledecks to measuring ROI – PodCamp Boston (#PCB4) was a huge success!

Recently I attended my first Podcamp in Boston, the birthplace of the original Podcamp, founded by Christopher Penn and Chris Brogan, back in 2006. From the show of hands to find out who else was new to the “UnConference,” I realized that I wasn’t the only newbie - there were actually too many of us [...]

He Said, She Said - Confusion on Social Media vs Social Marketing

I’ve learned a lot about social media over the last several years but one thing that really sticks out for me now is the confusion between social media and social marketing. Part of this problem stems from the multitude of people using social media that equate it to the ability to use social media effectively [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 08/16/09

How To Use LinkedIn Groups To Drive Website Traffic Jason Yormark shares five tips to help drive traffic to your blog using LinkedIn Groups. Corporate Twitter Toolbox: Twitter Tools for the Enterprise Sudha Jamthe lists off the top market-leading Twitter tools to manage social media engagement with your customers. The Five Ws of Social Media [...]

PR: Needed, If Not Loved - and Sorely in Need of Industry Change

I had the pleasure of receiving a complimentary copy of Rafe Needleman’s book, “PRO PR TIPS: Public Relations Advice from a Jaded Journalist” recently. (Thank you to its sponsor, ITDATABASE). This book is a brief and humorous - although sadly accurate - compilation of 100 tips that Rafe started originally as an occasional exasperated Twitter [...]

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