Persuasive Picks for the week of 01/25/10
6 marketing opportunities on FoursquareMany are predicting that 2010 will be the year of mobile marketing. If thats the case, then iPhone and Blackberry app Foursquare is on its way to being a leading platform in that space. Tony Felice from iMediaConnection shares 6 ways marketers can take advantage of this increasingly popular mobile app. [...]
Persuasive Picks for the week of 01/18/10
Small Business Leaders Prefer ‘Passive’ Social Media, For NowThis article by Ben Hanna shares the results of a recent study that revealed small business owners are still slow to engage in more “active” social media resources. Why All Media Soon Must Be SocialKirk Cheyfitz, CEO and Chief Editorial Officer of Story Worldwide, suggests [...]
Another Reason to Hire a Social Media-Savvy PR Firm
Earlier today, Cision and Don Bates of The George Washington University’s Master’s Degree Program in Strategic Public Relations released results of a national survey on how journalists rely on and use both social media and public relations resources for story research. While the headline, which reads “Majority of Journalists Now Depend on Social Media for [...]
Action vs Talking - How do you DO it?
I’ve had that well-known Nike slogan running through my mind lately, “Just Do It.” It’s a catchy slogan that’s easy to remember, and reminds me a lot of our vision for 2010 at PerkettPR - don’t just talk about it, do it. This year, we’re focused on action and moving forward (after 2009, who isn’t?!) [...]
Persuasive Picks for the week of 01/11/10
Coke drops campaign sites in favor of social mediaWill Cooper from NewMediaAge explains Coca-Cola’s shift away from creating campaign-based micro-sites to utilizing social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, in an effort to place their brand where people are - rather than trying to drive people back to their own sites. Social Media Success [...]
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