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Persuasive Picks for the week of 02/22/10

Any Way It’s Sliced, Appeal of Social Media Grows The integration of social media into marketing strategies continues to march into the mainstream, and this NY Times post provides many examples of big brands that are embracing social media as part of their current campaigns. 9 things I’ll never do again with social media The [...]

An Easy Social Media Lesson From The Peanuts: Talk With Me, Not At Me

One of the most famous cartoon dynamics could pretty much sum up the difference between successful social marketing and unsuccessful social marketing: The Peanuts. I’m sure you recall that when the grown ups are talking at the children, all the children hear are muffled, annoying sounds. But when the children are talking with each other, [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 02/08/10

Why Google Buzz is brilliant and deadly to social media 1.0As fanfare over the iPad announcement dies off, Google amped up the online world with a new feature announcement. In this post, Christopher S. Penn shares his views of the positive and negative implications of the all new Google Buzz feature in GMail. The Value [...]

When to fire a client

In a recent new business meeting, the prospect asked us if we’ve ever ended a relationship with a client by our own choice. While this may be a bit of a taboo subject - why in the world would an agency fire a client - the fact of the matter is that good agencies recognize [...]

Persuasive Picks for the week of 02/01/10

Four ways social media can save you time and moneyLarry Weintraub walks readers through four areas of business that can benefit from social media and provides practical tips on how to be proficient with each. Hackers turn to social media to attack companiesThis SFGate article provides food for thought for companies who have employees engaging [...]

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