Tell your story – Storify

Working in an industry that’s constantly evolving, it’s imperative in PR to stay on top of the latest technologies, tools, and services. Whether it’s a social network (we love LinkedIn for networking and thought leadership opportunities) or a social media management tool (Hootsuite is on the top of our list)—we’re always on the look out [...]

What does a public relations agency do?

No, seriously! Perhaps you’ve come here looking for public relations help with your company or a job in the field, or maybe you simply stumbled across our blog (in that case, hello and welcome!). But either way, there’s a good chance you may find yourself asking that very question at one point or another. And [...]

Come Celebrate Earth Day with PerkettPR

Happy Earth Day 2013! This year, we pulled together a video showcasing our top tips for helping the environment. Have any to share? Please comment below!

Got content? 5 tips for great newsletter content

Newsletter creation can be remarkably challenging for even the most prolific writer. After all, your newsletter has some lofty goals: get through spam filters, attract readers’ eyes, get opened, get read, get click-thrus, convert to a lead, and if all the stars align – result in a sale. Phew! Coming up with good content is [...]

Lights, camera, action, oh my?

Just as personal computers and the Internet have sparked the writer and publisher in everyone; camera enabled devices and social media are now making videographers and producers of us all. Video has not only become a part of everyone’s social life, it’s become a necessary skill in the public relations and marketing world. Shooting and [...]

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Choosing the Best Technology Platforms for Your SMB presented by Christine Perkett

Christine Perkett Interviewed - Part 1

Christine Perkett Interviewed - Part 2

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