The Perfect Pitch In PR – Not So Different Than Baseball?

With headquarters in Boston, the PerkettPR team is naturally composed of many sports fans. As we gear up to watch the Bruins win the Stanley Cup, keep an eye on the Red Sox and their unique manner of winning, and listen to the controversy over the New England Patriots‘ most recent player acquisition, we can’t help but think about how PR is often a lot like sports. It takes a team to win, but each player must be at their best and support each other. You’ve got to keep an eye on the ball, practice a lot, and analyze your plays in order to stay ahead of the competition. If your pitches aren’t quite right, you’ve got to recalibrate or sometimes pull the player. You’ve also got to deal with tough management decisions and sometimes you have to rebuild after a bad season where things didn’t quite work out the way you had planned.

In particular, we liken PR to baseball – how could we not with all those PR “pitches” - in the graphic below. What do you think – did we score?


  • Davina K. Brewer

    Baseball fan, love this. Just a few of the many, many things I can add, FWIW:

    - Pitchers and catchers work together; ditto reporters, editors, bloggers.
    - Learn each hitter - and pay attention during the game. If they know you’re gonna throw the curve 1st pitch, don’t; if they’ve timed the fast ball, slow down. Same w/ pitching - that means research, making sure it’s the right pitch, right reporter/writer.
    - Get crafty. Won’t always have best stuff - so bring it w/ the smart stuff.
    - Strikeouts are boring. Or what was it in “Bull Durham,” fascist? You won’t always strike out everyone, so don’t try. Fly balls, grounders — ie use your team to support you.