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Vetting Your Brand’s Voice - a Lesson from KitchenAid

This morning I caught wind of a Twitter “oops” made during last night’s Presidential Debate by the well known brand KitchenAid. Someone responsible for the Twitter handle Tweeted, “Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! ‘She died 3 days b4 he became president” - in regards to President Barack Obama’s deceased Grandmother. [...]

Running a PR Agency – Big or Small, Challenges Remain the Same

Last week I was fortunate enough to be invited to the Council of PR Firms‘ Boston roundtable, to discuss industry and agency issues with fellow Boston agency leaders. This was my second time attending this annual event, and I again came away inspired, energized, reassured and enthusiastic. The folks I was lucky enough to sit [...]

Introductions, Referrals, Recommendations and References – Not Created Equally Online

In these days of social media madness and online relationships, it can take even more work to be sure that who you’re talking to is genuine, qualified and credible. I’ve noticed that people ask for things online in a more bold way than they used to, when face-to-face relationships ruled. Just this week I’ve been [...]

Happy Employee Appreciation Day to PerkettPR - An Amazing Staff

The first Friday in March marks Employee Appreciation Day and I wanted to be sure to send a small token of appreciation out to my amazing staff. In the PR agency business, it’s not unusual to see a revolving door of employees and I have to say that I am very lucky to never have [...]

Seven Business Lessons from the Military

If you are connected with  me on Facebook or Twitter, you probably know that I recently saw my brother off as he deployed to Afghanistan. A part of the weekend was spent at a deployment ceremony for his unit, and the other part consisted of my asking a lot of questions about what he does, [...]

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